BBC Says Tiger Could Miss Masters’ Defense

The BBC is reporting that—because of his father’s apparently deteriorating condition—Tiger Woods could miss this year’s Masters:

Tiger Woods could miss next month’s Masters in order to spend time with his father, who is suffering with cancer.

The defending champion visited Earl Woods in California on Wednesday, rather than practising for the Players Championship at Sawgrass.

Woods said: “There’s a chance I might not play for a while. It all depends on how my father is doing.”

Asked if he could miss the Masters, he added: “You never know. When your parents aren’t doing well, it’s tough.”

In think that people are over-reacting to his missed practice on Wednesday before the Player’s Championship. Missing a practice round doesn’t even begin to equate to missing the Masters.

What Tiger is saying is what any of us would say—that if a loved one was not doing well, we would move heaven and earth to be by their side.

But I’ve not heard him say that his dad was at that point. In fact, he seemed to say that his spirits had picked up.

And if Tiger misses the Masters to be with his dad, he just becomes even more of a Champion in my eyes.

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