Canada Goose Attacks High School Student

Canada Goose Attacks High School Student
Canada Goose Attacks High School Student In Blissfield, Michigan. Photos by Devon Pitts of Blissfield.

Canada Goose Attacks High School Student

The Golf Blogger long has maintained that Canada Geese are vicious, hostile, and nasty creatures that have long overstayed their protected position under the Migratory Waterfowl Act. In Michigan, at least, they are as common as squirrels and skunks and less welcome than either. Canada Geese flock by the hundreds on golf courses, destroying the turf and leaving behind piles of poo. They also don’t migrate, but stay year-round as permanent residents. They thrive in human-created habitats, such as golf courses, public parks, corporate campuses, airports and other places were there is maintained grass and ponds, pools, retention or drainage systems. In such areas, their natural predators are unable to keep their populations in check.

Even worse than the waddling flocks and poo is their hostile attitude. Canada Geese hiss, flap their wings and occasionally charge anyone who ventures too near. That makes it difficult to play the ball as it lies. It is as if a herds of alligators decided to populate large swaths of golf fairways in Florida and refused to move aside for man or golf cart.

Golfers on foot are particularly susceptible. Isaac Couling of Concord High School recently ran afoul of one of those foul fowl and has become a media sensation. The savage crime occurred at Wolf Creek Golf Course in Adrian, just south of GolfBlogger World Headquarters in Ann Arbor.

The lad was caught unaware by the monster as he was keeping his eyes on another of the threatening beasts in front of him. They apparently have now evolved to hunt in packs, like wolves.

The demon bird then tackled him, and when he tried to get up, knocked him down again (top photo)

I know golfers who have been bitten by Canada Geese and they report that it is extremely painful.

Golfers are not the only ones to suffer from this invasive species. Bacteria from their droppings infect waters, causing potential human illness. Flocks will plunder fields of crops. The geese also are a hazard to aircraft navigation. In 1995, 24 USAF crew members were killed when a flock knocked out both engines of their E-3 Sentry. And famously US AIr Flight 1549 suffered partial power loss after hitting flying geese, causing the plane to make a forced landing in the Hudson.

I am calling on the Michigan Congressional Delegation and the Trump Administration to declare Canada Geese in urban and developed area a “pest species.” That will let them be shot for food year-round, instead of the clearly inadequate fifteen days in September the law currently permits. Canada Geese are considered good eating in some quarters, so they wouldn’t go to waste. Any excess could be donated to food banks.

We can prevent a future tragedy only if we act now.


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