Elin Woods Is Pregnant

On his 31st Birthday, Tiger Woods has announced that wife Elin is pregnant.


Now we know what he’s been doing with all of that time off.

The baby apparently is due sometime between the US Open and the British Open Championship. But knowing how babies—especially first ones—come on their own schedules, I wonder if he’s got a plan if the bambino is early or late. Is he going to wear a beeper and threaten to leave the tournament early if paged, like Mickelson?

I doubt it. My guess is that it’ll be born via c section so it will be on his schedule.

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4 thoughts on “Elin Woods Is Pregnant”

  1. You know, there may be something to that. For the last couple of years, I’ve had the feeling that Tiger was nto going to play full time on the tour for too much longer. I think he plays to 100 wins, and then settles back to play only in majors and a couple of select tournaments. He doesn’t need to be a member of the PGA Tour to contineu his historic march on golf.

  2. I agree, Tiger probably won’t be playing full time too much longer.  Of course, this does put more pressure on Tiger to win the FedEx cup.  Now he is really going to need that 10 million.  wink

  3. Apparently, Nick Faldo arranged 3 of his kids birth (by enduction) around his golf schedule. Be very interesting to see if Tiger follow suit if it inteferes with the Majors. It will speak volumes about where his priorities really lie…

  4. Mrs. Golfblogger is a labor and delivery nurse and tells me that inductions to meet a schedule are not uncommon.


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