Golf Ball Entrepreneur Loses, Gains

Retired Firefighter Franklin Quinlan runs a roadside stand where he sells the balls that have flown into his yard from the nearby Springfield Oaks (Michigan) golf course. It’s on the honor system. Get three balls and leave a buck in the can. And for the most part, it works fine.

But last week,  thieves took 150 balls and emptied the can

Sad that we live in that kind of world. Fortunately for my faith in humanity, however, some generous strangers made good on his losses. When the story got out on the local news, people began showing up with golf balls to replenish his stocks. In all, more than a thousand balls were donated.

Quinlan has now decided to bolt the crate he uses to store the balls to the wagon he uses to tote them to the roadside. That way, he explained, if someone wants to take the whole crate, they’ll have to take the wagon, too.

He won’t chain the wagon to the ground, though.

If they’re that hard up for golf balls, they must be poor golfers.” he said.



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