Michigan To Build Indoor Practice Facility

New University of Michigan Athletic Director David Brandon is asking for $2.5 million to build an indoor golf practice facility over part of the existing golf range behind the University’s golf course. It’ll have a 10,000 square foot building with a chipping an d putting area, coaches offices, locker rooms, etc.

It’s about time. Other Big Ten schools already have built nice practice facilities.

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6 thoughts on “Michigan To Build Indoor Practice Facility”

  1. I have to disagree with the Golf Blogger.  I can sort of swallow the expense of building facilities associated with revenue sports such as football and basketball. In theory those sports pay for themselves, at least when they aren’t getting stomped by Appalachian State.

    At a time when most people and organizations in Michigan are tightening belts, putting up a $2,500,000 facility for the golf team seems like a misplaced priority.  When the state legislature prepares to designate funds for Michigan’s public universities, does this expense look right?

  2. Paid with “internal resources and gifts”?  Okay, I am somewhat mollified.  Thanks.

    The athletic department could also decide that supporting scholarships for the general student population was also a good use of their internal resources. Admittedly gifts to the athletic department are intended to support athletic activities and should not be diverted.  However, the athletic department is not a separate business enterprise from the University.  Their “internal resources” are University resources.  If they have money left over at the end of the year, maybe they should return it to the general University fund.

    What does my rant have to do with golf?  Hmmm…not much.  Guess I will drop this and go to work.

  3. I think BK is being a little harsh, if I may throw up some support for michigan (and I did just throw up a little thinking about um)..

    I am sure michigan, like The great Ohio State, generates enough funds from Football and Basketball to fully support all other athletic programs, probably inclusive down to the intramural and student rec centers.  There are probably substantial grants to educational and other university programs.  At OSU, Football and Basketball just provided funds for the new library and Ohio Union and a lot of educational scholarships.

    Not only that, but the licensing from school appearal most likely goes to the general funds, even though the reason most people wear an Ohio State or michigan sweatshirt is more related to the teams than the classes. 

    I don’t disagree that both schools do have a misplaced priorities in not keeping tuition down.  But that is hardly limited to these schools, it is all over.


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