Old Trapper Old Fashioned Beef Jerky Review
Old Trapper Old Fashioned Beef Jerky
Grade: A
Teacher’s Comments: The perfect on-the-course food.
Old Trapper recently sent a “Family Sized” 18 ounce pack of their old fashioned beef jerky for review.
My reaction was similar to that of Pippin when Merry bought a pint of ale at the Dancing Pony in The Fellowship of The Ring:

It comes in pints!? or in this case: It comes in giant bags!?
The family bag is a large dose of jerky. But of course you are not going to eat it in one sitting.
I’m a big fan of Old Trapper jerky. It is tender and a little chewy. Unlike some other brands, there’s no danger of breaking a tooth on a hard chunk. In the re-sealable bag, it stays tender for at least a week, which is how long the bag lasted for me.
Old Trapper’s flavor is straightforward. It is a little smoky, and a little brown sugar sweet.
Ingredients include beef (of course), brown sugar, water, salt, beef stock, hydrolyzed corn protein, vinegar, unspecified flavorings and sodium nitrite.
Nutritionally speaking, a one ounce (28 gram) serving has 70 calories, 11 grams of protein and 6 grams of carbohydrates, five of which are sugars.
For low-carb purists, those five grams of sugar might be off-putting, but compared to the 34 grams in an equivalent serving of a Clif bar, that’s not so much.
I have found that Old Trapper beef jerky is a perfect choice for an on-course snack. It has the protein needed for the long haul and won’t melt on hot days. You also won’t poison yourself like you would with an un-refrigerated ham and mayo sandwich.
My on-course snack is usually jerky and an apple. When I can get it, the jerky is Old Trapper.
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