Arnie’s Last Masters

Arnie will start in his 50th — and last — Masters’ this weekend. I’m going … Read more.

USGA On The “Inactive Season”

I live in Michigan, and although there have been a couple of days in the … Read more.

Remote Control Bag Carrier

Golf Carts are an abomination. The way people buzz around in them they might as … Read more.


I tried the DivotMat at a local golf show a few weeks back. It’s essentially … Read more.

Explaining Handicaps

The BBC has a good page explaining that most mysterious of golf concepts: the handicap

Cheat at Golf?

A recent poll says that 70% of golfers cheat. I’d guess its even higher than … Read more.

Court upholds PGA control of real-time scores

Sports Illustrated reports that the PGA Tour has won a court case against a firm … Read more.

Jones Movie Trailer

You can see the trailer for the Jones movie here.