The liberal yahoos in San Francisco have banned smoking on city golf courses.
I don’t smoke, and avoid bars precisely because I can’t stand being cooped up with the smell of cigarettes and cigars. But I’ve also played a good many rounds with smokers, and never once did the fumes bother me. I’ll let the San Francisco City Council members in on a secret (since they apparently have never been to a golf course): Golf courses are wide open spaces, full of air and breezes; smoke there has a decided tendency to to dissipate quickly and harmlessly.
Your lungs are probably more in danger from being exposed to the hot air emanating from City Council chambers than they are from a cigarette two fairways away on a golf course.
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I do smoke probably one cigar for every ten rounds or so, but I am going to smoke two on my next round, just in honor of San Francisco.
I am going to talk to my boss about going to Palo Alto for some training this summer, just so I can go play a round in San Francisco to try and get myself one of these tickets.
Not to worry. The City of San Francisco only runs a few courses and with the exception of Harding Park none of them are worth playing. The city’s courses are so under-staffed they can’t keep the course maintained. There’s no way they are going to enforce a no-smoking ordinance.
WOW. This is great. I remember caddying as a kid and smelling like smoke after the round. In competition before and after playing in college. I know alot of guys would use smoking as a way to get through tough holes. WOW no more thats great!!