There’s bad news and good news and even better news.
First, the bad news: today is the shortest day of the year. In Michigan, the sun rose at 8 a.m. and will set at 5:06.
The good news is that tomorrow we get three seconds more sunlight and it accelerates from there. By the end of December, we will be gaining thirty seconds a day. By January 31, more than two minutes are gained from the previous day.
The even better news is that it’s just 101 days until the “official” start of the 2025 golf season. That doesn’t mean there won’t be golf between now and then. Every time I go out to Washtenaw Golf Club in the winter months (pictured above) thinking that I have got to be the only one crazy enough to be out, I find out that I am not, in fact, the only one crazy enough to be out.
Real golfers in Michigan never really stop playing.
Remember kids. There is no such thing as bad weather. There are only bad clothing choices.
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