I played today what is most likely the last round of the season. It got up to sixty degrees today, and I was comfortable playing in a long sleeve polo. Its the kind of weather we don’t often see in November in Michigan. If this is global warming, I’m in favor of it.
It was, all in all, a good round. I shot an 89 … and hit many more good shots than bad. My score was higher than it otherwise would have been because I was putting poorly—a rarity for me. I’ll blame that on the uneven condition of the greens. I just couldn’t find the speed.
My best shot was a six-iron from 165 or so over a pond that landed just inches from the hole on a peninsula green. It was one those highlight reel shots that soared gracefullly into the air and when it landed came immediately to a stop. If there had been a little more roll, the ball would have gone in.
I also hit a couple of spectacular three wood shots (more than I would have liked, since I was driving it quite short). Is there anything more pretty in golf than the flight of a ball after you’ve hit it flush with a three wood? I think not.
Tonight, I’m going to clean my clubs and put them in the shed (I normally carry them in my car). The round was good enough that I don’t think I’ll have the urge to “try just one more.”
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