Winter Is Coming

Winter Is Coming

Winter Is Coming

It snowed in Ann Arbor on Sunday. Nothing more than flurries, and none of it stuck, but it was snow nonetheless. It is a sign that regular golf is at an end for the year.

The clocks were set back this past weekend as well. Overnight, sunset went from 6:30 to 5:30. That makes it nigh impossible for most people to get in any golf after work — or any other outdoor activity for that matter. Fortunately, as a teacher, my work day is 6:50 am to 2:10, so if I rush right out, I can probably get in nine.

To top it all off, the Golf Association of Michigan sent out an email announcing that handicap season is officially over.

Pretty bleak stuff, all in all.

It doesn’t mean that golf in Michigan is entirely at an end, but it will be curtailed. With a round in November — and I will surely get in a round in November — I will have played at least one round of golf in Michigan each month for the last 69 straight months.

It’ll be in the upper fifties at the end of the week, and I will likely get in a round next weekend.

For what it’s worth, I’m favor of staying on daylight saving time year round. It matters not a whit to me whether I go to work in darkness in the morning. I would really like, however, to have some sunlight after work to play golf, take a walk or do some yardwork.

Raking leaves with a flashlight is no fun.

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