Champ Flix Divot Repair Tool Review


Champ Flix Divot Repair Tool And Ball Marker Repair Tool

Grade: A
Teacher’s Comments: A great design

I don’t think I can ever have enough divot repair tools. I have half a dozen, but still somehow seem to be without one often as not. What happens is that I leave them in my pocket after playing a round, then forget to take it out when tossing my shorts in the hamper. I find them later in Mrs. GolfBlogger’s box for things that fell out in the wash.

I have so many because I don’t realize I am missing the tool until I get to the course. So I get one at the pro shop, inexorably adding to the collection.

Of all the ones I own, I think that the Champ Flix currently is my favorite.

Shaped—and feeling—a bit like an overlarge jelly bean, the Champ is from the switchblade school of design. The tines are securely hidden in the handle, and pop out with a satisfying snip at the press of a button.

I am certain that I don’t need to tell any serious golfer that the switchblade design is the only one worth carrying. Ball Mark repair tools with exposed tines invariably will turn on you and poke your leg (or worse) through your pocket. The ones that attach to a belt are only marginally better, somehow managing to twist during a swing to stab you in the gut.

The switchblade design has its issues, though. Some will maliciously and mysteriously open on their own in your pocket, giving you a poke at inopportune times in inappropriate places.

Auto-opening has fortunately not yet happened to me with the Flix. Its button requires a fairly firm push to open. That’s a good thing, because getting pocket prodded by a pair of tines isn’t a good feeling.


The Flix tool is light, yet feels as though it is going to be durable. Another of the switchbladers I own broke open at one point, necessitating a repair with J-B Weld. It works fine (after I got the spring mechanism reassembled), but as it was constructed of metal, I don’t think it should have broken like that.

I don’t see the Flix having that issue.

Like many repair tools,  the Flix has a ball mark magnetically attached at one end. The mark’s slot is a standard size, and I was able to swap out the Champ one for one of the West Virginia University ball marks I bought in bulk a couple of years ago.

The Flix comes in a variety of colors, and the company also offers custom branding.


I find it interesting that Champ calls the Flix a “Divot Repair Instrument.” Instrument is an interesting choice of words.

Speaking of word choices: Why is this a Divot Repair tool (instrument). I have yet to see one used to repair a divot, which are those beaver pelts and gashes that people leave in fairways. What happens on the green is a ball-mark. This, then is actually a Ball Mark Repair Instrument (as are all of its ilk).

But I digress.

You can find this tool at many good pro shops.

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