Feeding Your Golf Addiction In The Winter, Part 10: Sort Your Old Golfing Magazines

This is the tenth in a series on things to do to feed your golf addiction in the off season:

Golf Magazines (1 of 1)Sort Through Your Old Golfing Magazines

Thanks to annual gifts from relatives, I get Golf Digest, Golf Magazine, Golf Week and Golf World. They’re all fun reads—full of tips, equipment reviews and other things to entice a Golf Blogger. But it’s a lot to read, and during the season, I tend to only really delve into the two weeklies, Golf Week and Golf World, new equipment reviews, and the relevant tournament previews. Most of the remainder of the magazines—that is, most of Golf and Golf Digest, and especially the features and tips—wait until the off season.

So it comes to pass that, by December, I have twenty four combined issues of Golf and Golf Digest, as well as a random pile of Golf Weeks and Worlds with things I wanted to save. It’s only after the snow flies that I begin to work my seriously through the volumes. I read every article, consider every tip, and then discard the issues in the recycling bin. I used to tear out articles that interested me for future reading, but with everything on the web these days, I don’t need to create my own archives any more.

What I find interesting about reading a year’s worth of two golf magazines in a relatively short span is just how similar these magazines are from issue to issue, and to each other. They’re virtually indistinguishable, both in tone and content. To the extent that anyone “needs” these Golf or Golf Digest, one or the other should be more than enough. Indeed, it’s likely that I could get by with picking up the just four “Majors” issues of the monthlies at the News Stand.

Still, having a pile of golf magazines to browse through on a cold winter’s night does a lot to feed the golf addiction.

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