GolfBlogger Mentioned On XM Radio

I don’t get XM radio, but have been getting emails saying that the site got a good mention on the PGA coverage today. It apparently involved satellite photos of the Gallery Course. You can find them here.

Welcome to those who are following up on the XM mention.  I hope you like the site. I started GolfBlogger four years ago when blogging was a relatively new thing because I wanted to see what blogging was all about. At that point, it seemed to me that most of the blogs were about politics and technology, so I decided to stay away from those topics. I loved golf— I play and have coached golf— so I decided to write about that.

I think of GolfBlogger as a cross between two more well-known blogs— and Instapundit offers a series of short, pithy comments on political news; Gizmodo writes about new tech products. Combining these two with a golf twist led me to Golfblogger’s general format, which is to offer short, pithy comments on golf news, and links to new golf products.

The signature post for Golfblogger is each Friday’s Ridiculous Item of the Week, in which I highlight a stupid, tacky, or silly golf product. But there much, much more here. Take a look around.

And if someone could PLEASE fill me in on the XM details, I would really appreciate it. What was the show? Who said what? What was the context of the mention?

Thanks and welcome.

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2 thoughts on “GolfBlogger Mentioned On XM Radio”

  1. Wanted to let you know I mentioned the site on XM today appreciate the effort u go into to follow this great game.  Thank you for the mention on such an outsanding and passionate web site!!!

    Jay Randolph Jr.

  2. I just happened to be checking the website to get a handle on today’s TV schedule for the Match Play championship…. I’ll attach the link.  Turns out they had XM radio “listen now” link there.  I was working at my computer and thought, “what the heck.”  Clicked on the link and was listening, when at about 12:30PM Eastern Time, one of the commentators on the course (I think it was Jay Randolph, Jr.) said something to the effect “if you’re an avid golfer, you don’t want to miss this bloggers site…he has posted there the best Google aerial view of this venue.  You gotta check it out !”

    Well, I wasn’t listening that closely….and I was hoping he would repeat the web address…..but he didn’t. 

    So… the same link you click on to listen to the XM webcast also had a “email” link.  It allowed a direct question right to the announcers at the tournament!  As unbelievable as it seems, within fifteen minutes, they said, “this answers the question from Grand Rapids Michigan”…..”this guy has a great blogger site….called…….and you gotta check it out !  I went there earlier in the week, and I think the pictures I’m talking about are on the second page of the blogs…..but whoever is running this is doing a great job…and you’ve got to visit this website ! “

    I was surprised they even got my question…let alone repeat the information.  But it was a GREAT free advertisement for your site ! 

    Here’s the link:

    2 PUTT MAX


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