Harrison Frazer Writes About Hanging Up The Cleats

Harrison Frazer has been on the Tour for 13 years and won $9.3 million in spite of never having won. He’s one of those journeymen on the Tour who make a far better living than most of us could ever hope by playing golf.

Harrison Frazer is thinking about hanging up his cleats. His essay in Golf is quite thoughtful.

I can sympathize with him in a way. I make my living as a teacher and thought I’d do it until I was old enough to collect Social Security. It isn’t what it used to be, however—the kids, parents, administration and politics have change drastically. So I’m looking for an exit strategy. I attended an open house for Cooley Law School last night. I’d love to go into law. But the price tag! $90,000

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4 thoughts on “Harrison Frazer Writes About Hanging Up The Cleats”

  1. Thanks for the advice, Drew. I’m my late 40s, and will be retired (30 in and age 55) by the time I get finished, if I go on the part-time class schedule. I’ve always wanted to go to law school, so this would be as much about having something meaningful to do in retirement as making money. I’ve got other options, too, like a doctorate in Economics, and so on.

    All I really know is that I don’t see how—with current hatred and invective against teachers—I can continue in the profession if I have other options.

    Everyone hates lawyers until they need one. In contrast, it doesn’t seem that anyone thinks teachers are necessary any more—we’re all lazy and overpaid. So as a lawyer, I would have at least some small percentage of people who are grateful.

  2. Really interesting to hear about law school. I assume that you’re in your 40s, am I correct? It seems that a decent amount of people in their 40s go to law school for career changes, a lot more than in the past. I would just be extremely careful and realistic about what sort of job and salary you could get after graduation. I just feel like I’ve talked to so many unemployed recent law grads over the past couple of years. Best of luck with whatever path you choose.

  3. Way to go, Harrison.  Glad for you to win
    the FedEx St Jude Tourney. Just goes to prove
    to never give up.  You grandaddy Joe would have
    been proud of you.  Travis Smith, Wharton, Tx.


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