Headline: Golf Becomes Election Issue

I was afraid of this: golf has become an election issue:

As Donald Trump mulls scrapping a GOP presidential debate that has failed to attract even a foursome, perhaps a match-play tourney to determine who gets to face President Obama in 2012 would be an appropriate substitute. After all, with POTUS wannabe Mitt Romney making a campaign issue of the current Occupy Oval Office resident’s affection for a quick 18, news about Newt Gingrich’s Trump National membership making the rounds, and Rick Perry’s boastful disdain for the game, golf has already become an election theme.

Of course, this article is from a not-really-a-journalist in a not-quite-a-legitimate-news-outlet “Examiner,” but I’m afraid that the meme has legs.

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1 thought on “Headline: Golf Becomes Election Issue”

  1. get Trump out there on the course in some windy conditions… with the distraction of keeping his combover in place… and he doesn’t stand a chance


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