Winter Golf In 1949 At Washtenaw

Winter Golf In 1949 At Washtenaw Golf Club

With the unseasonably warm weather this week, curiosity led me back to the old newspapers archives: What kind of SE Michigan golf news could I find from past Januarys and Februarys.

On January 10, 1949, several newspapers in Michigan reported on the hole in one scored by Don Ruppe in an unseasonably warm spell.

First Hole In One

Ann Arbor – AP – Chalk up Michigan’s first hole-in-one of the 1949 golf season. Slogging around the Washtenaw country club course yesterday with the temperatures in the mid-fifties, Don Ruppe of Ypsilanti aced the 140-yard 13th hole. It gave him a 35-75.

Ludington Daily News, Jan. 10, 1949

I can only assume the newspaper meant a 35-40=75.

Washtenaw Golf Club (course link) tends to be open whenever there is a break in the weather, so I plan to head there this weekend to extend my streak of monthly rounds played in Michigan.

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