Greg Norman’s Recovery Going Well


Greg Norman reports that recovery from his chainsaw accident is going well.

My recovery from the accident and subsequent surgery to repair minor nerve damage is going “extremely well,” according to Dr. Saylor, who just yesterday removed my stitches and gave me his prognosis. After missing the major artery in my left arm by less than a millimeter, I have only experienced some numbness around the incision area and scar tissue and it is yet to be determined if this numbness will disappear over time.

Whether I will return to golf has been the million dollar question since the accident occurred. While the Doctor gave me a good prognosis following the surgery and he now believes he will have full strength back in my arm and hand with no lingering effects from the surgery in time.

Mrs. GolfBlogger and I (along with a four other couples) had dinner with Greg Norman and two members of his management team the night before the unfortunate incident. We were, needless to say, shocked when we heard the news two days later. (The dinner was at the Il Cielo restaurant at Sandals Emerald Bay; he flew back to Florida that next morning.)

Best wishes to the Shark, who was as gracious and engaging a dinner host as you could imagine.

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