Hurricane Problems For The Barclays

The Barclays is being played this week at Plainfield Country Club in Edison, New Jersey. And that, apparently is in the projected path of Hurricane Irene. If things continue as expected, they could see a tropical storm Sunday.

The Tour should hold these events in Michigan. We don’t have hurricanes. Or mudslides. Or massive brush fires. Sure, there’s the (very) occasional tornado. And theoretically, we can get an earthquake like anywhere else. But in the order of threatening natural disasters, we’re pretty low on the list.

Plus, the weather’s pretty nice here this time of year. It’s going to be in the mid 70s today.

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1 thought on “Hurricane Problems For The Barclays”

  1. I think that given the predictions, the tour should have made a change and started yesterday – or played 27 holes a day for the next 2 days.

    Although, talk about excitement, have them play in tropical storm winds!


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