Is The Bogey Lounge Dead?

Is the Bogey Lounge blog dead? There hasn’t been a post there since Nov. 7.

I really enjoyed the blog while it was active, and REALLY like the design (I’m a Tiki fan). but if it has gone inactive, I think it points out what I’ve discovered about blogging: that it’s not easy to maintain the pace. It takes quite a bit of discipline to make sure that postings are done on a regular basis.

I’ve been able to maintain the pace with Golfblogger, posting at least one, and usually two or more short items every day for nearly three years. Few of those are timeless literature, and practically none are earth shattering, but that’s never what I intended the blog to be. Instead, as I’ve said many times before, I wanted to have a golf blending of Gizmodo and Instapundit. My goal was to mostly highlight neat stuff, point out some interesting articles, write some reviews, and the occasional essay.

I’ve been able to do that, working mostly at ngiht when my wife and I are decompressing while watching television.

But I have been a serious slacker on another blog, where I have been hard pressed to post one a week. A third one I run gets maybe one a month. I keep thinking that I should schedule an evening to work on those, but it’s too easy to say “I’ll do it tomorrow.” But then, my other blogs were never intended to be regular things like GolfBlogger, but instead were places where I could expand on some thoughts I had on some other topics.

Given my own experiences, I can perhaps speculate on what happened to Bogey Lounge. I noticed that he had started som other blogs—some of which have been updated more recently than Bogey Lounge, but none of which are exactly current. Perhaps he simply found it too difficult to keep up with all of them.

I hope he makes a comeback.

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