May Golf At Washtenaw

The thirteenth green at Washtenaw.

May Golf At Washtenaw Golf Club

It seems as though the weather has taken a final turn for the better, with the return of shorts weather, blue skies and green fairways.

Even better: the days are now long enough for me to easily get in eighteen holes after work. Sunset now is around a quarter to nine.

I’ve gotten in a couple of rounds at Washtenaw Golf Club in Ypsilanti, Michigan this past week, enjoying the walk and the fresh air. My game is struggling, though. I’ve developed a case of the shanks with the short irons and am trying to figure out what corrections to make in terms of ball position.

Washtenaw’s seventeenth.

In recent days, I finished reading a golf instruction book called Finishing School, whose premise is that if you focus on the finish, the rest of the swing will follow. The advice aligns with what one of my first instructors said: think about finishing with your hands high.

I don’t think I really grokked what he was saying until I worked through Finishing School.

Below are a few more pictures from a recent round at Washtenaw:

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