Washtenaw Golf Club Reaches 125 Years In 2024.

The Founding of Washtenaw Golf Club Golfers with sheep in the background
Golfers at Washtenaw Country Club with sheep “mowing” in the background.

Washtenaw Golf Club Reaches 125 Years In 2024.

Founded in 1899, Washtenaw Golf Club will mark its 125th anniversary this year.

Depending on how one marks the event, Washtenaw’s official birthday is either September 2, July 11 or July 18.

The July 11 date is when fifteen Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor golfers met to sign the Articles of Association for the Washtenaw Country Club. Signers of the Articles of Association included A.A. Van Cleve, S.E. Dodge, R.W. Hemphill, Jr., E.C. Cornwell, J.B. Calvan, H.S. Platt, Charles D. Church, Henry W Douglas, William Gardam, David B. Dodge, D.L. Quirk, Jr., I. Newton Swift, W.L. Pack, Duane Spalsbury and David R. Morford.

July 18 is when the club was formally, and legally incorporated.

The September 2 date is based on an article I found in the Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat, dating to August 25, 1899. That article says:

The Washtenaw County Golf Club will celebrate its opening next Saturday at 2 o’clock. In the afternoon there will be a putting and driving contests and a general golf tournament. Supper will be served on the plaza from 6 to 8 o’clock, after which the party will spend the evening in dancing.

Golf Club’s Opening
It Will Be Celebrated Next Saturday Afternoon
There Will Be A Golf Tournament, Supper and Dancing

The club house will be completed Saturday and the furniture will be brought there from Ann Arbor.

argus democrat washtenaw august 1899
Washtenaw Country Golf Club Opening article, August 25, 1899

August 25, 1899 was a Friday. “Next Saturday” therefore would be Saturday, September 2.

In any case, 2024 is the 125th anniversary of the club.

It also happens to be the 20th anniversary of this golf blog. I started GolfBlogger in March of 2004. Washtenaw and my blog have been closely linked ever since.

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1 thought on “Washtenaw Golf Club Reaches 125 Years In 2024.”

  1. My good friend was a member of Washtenaw, as was his father. He has some great stories about the characters who walked the fairways back in the 1960’s and up until the club was taken over by their bank. He remembers a radically different course with a lot fewer trees and firm running fairways.


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