Worx Golf Wedge Review

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Worx Wedges

Grade: A
Teacher’s Comments: A boon for those who struggle with wedges.

WORX Golf Wedges also available at Amazon

If you struggle to produce consistent results with your wedges, Worx has a product for you.

Worx wedges feature large, flat bottomed, hollow body heads designed to make wedge play nearly foolproof. It succeeds, but as with all such clubs, sacrifices some versatility. Still, a player who can’t get out of a bunker or play short wedges to the green, will find it a good tradeoff.

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The most noticeable feature of the Worx wedge is the large, rounded sole.This creates a large amount of bounce and makes it virtually impossible to chunk a shot. Closer inspection of the sole reveals a flat area at the bottom, which has to be necessary to ensure that the leading edge doesn’t bounce up into the ball.

Given the huge sole area, the hollow body construction is probably inevitable. Any other solution likely would make the wedge feel too heavy. However, the hollow body also surely has the effect of ensuring a lot of forgiveness—another plus for those who have not yet mastered the short game.

Interestingly, the face of the Worx Wedges are onset, meaning that the leading edge is ahead of the hosel. Work says that helps increase the loft. However, it also should help reduce the odds of a shank—another nice side effect, since many players struggle with wedge shanks.

The Worx wedge design actually is a lot like the Slider, a club designed some years ago by Roger Maltby of Maltby Golfworks. Like the Worx wedges, those are big, rounded bottom, hollow body clubs designed to help players who struggle with more traditional designs. My Maltby Slider, however, feels heavier and is on a shorter shaft. I can’t remember, but I actually think I put a putter shaft in my slider.

In practice, the Worx wedges perform as advertised. The sand wedge makes it very easy to get the ball out of the sand. In the name of science, I experimented with mishits and bad swings, making impact well behind the ball, and hitting straight down into the sand. In both cases, I still got acceptable results as the ball popped up and out.

The Work sand wedge should work well in most situations. However, because of the very consistent results, it might be be less so in situations where a higher or lower shot is desired. It may be an issue of technique, but I couldn’t get it to create different launch angles.

Similar, but slightly less effective was the 51 degree gap wedge. While it played very well off a well-grown fairway, I could not get it to work off a tight lie. That may be a fault of my technique, or of the club.

I can safely recommend these clubs for players whose rounds are often spoiled by poor sand play. 


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