Brockton, Mass. Course Sets Higher Dress Code

The city golf course in Brockton, Massachusetts has instituted a dress code that requires collared shirts and bans jeans, cutoff shorts, and t shirts.

Public reaction understandably is mixed. While some welcome the new code, others defend their right to dress like bums.

I suppose the bums have a point. It is a city course, and as taxpayers they have as much right to it as anyone else. On the other hand, I have noticed that when people are dressed up, their behavior also improves. It’s one thing to swear and throw clubs and swill beer when you’re in t shirts and cut offs. That impulse seems to fade when you’re dressed in khakis and a nice golf shirt.

I can absolutely tell you that on days when the students in my classs are dressed up for a function, their behavior is significantly better.

Interestingly, two of the local courses that I avoid don’t have a dress code. I don’t know if there’s any connection, but these courses also have horribly slow play, and are not particularly well-kept, in terms of trash and such. (Strangely, they are also not any cheaper than surrounding courses)

Clearly, privately owned courses that are open to the public can set a dress code. It is, after all, their property. But I dont’ know about taxpayer financed and subsidized courses.

So I think I’m going to sit squarely on the fence on this one. I like to “dress up” to play golf—I actually think I play better when I’m dressed better. But I’d like to know what others think. Is it appropriate for a municipal course to set a “country club casual” dress code?

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3 thoughts on “Brockton, Mass. Course Sets Higher Dress Code”

  1. I will play Devil’s Advocate on both points.  I think a club, regardless of ownership, should have the right in mandate a dress code that is “industry standard”.  You might run into trouble if you did something out of the ordinary.  I am sure that municiple theatres exist that don’t allow cutoffs and sleeveless shirts.  I also belong to a rather “blue collar” CCA country club that has the standard dress code.  I would drop to my knees in shock if the members found a way to drink more on the course than they do now ; ).

    I have enjoyed your blog.


  2. I think all golf courses should have a “minimum” dress code.  I find nothing wrong with requiring a certain type of shirt or banning cut-off jeans.  Golf is a game of honor and tradition.  When you begin to be lax on things such as attire, where will it stop?  Soon, we begin to become lax with the rules, ettiquette, etc.  I applaud Brockton.  What does it cost to buy a polo and some khaki shorts or pants?  Nobody says you have to dress like Tiger or Sergio.  But you can buy some nice inexpensive polos, shorts and pants at K Mart or WalMart.

  3. Well, since I am one who likes wearing jeans on the course, then I am not in favor of banning denim.  (and if so, please let me wear white or black denim and just ban the blue)

    However, I am in favor of a code, and if that means not wearing jeans, then so-be-it. 

    All the courses I play, public and semi-private, have collared shirts as a requirement (though I have seen them bend that at a couple courses), and do not allow cut-offs either.

    However, I will say, that without the dri-fit and other moisture wicking shirts, the 95+ degree plus days were pretty bad-  I really wanted to wear T-shirts, which are more comfortable soaked—but with the new tech shirts, you can look decent and be most comfortable.


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