Lightening Strike At Shell Houston Open

imageNBC caught this images of a lightening strike at the Shell Houston Open. If you previously lacked proof of the danger of lightening on a golf course, this should convince you.

Because I’m paranoid about lightening (I want to be buried on a golf course, not die on one), I carry a personal lightening detector: StrikeAlert II Personal Lightning Detector Pager. Its worked pretty well for me, often letting me know before the course blows its horn.

It also has been useful on Scout camping trips, where there aren’t any other warning systems.

All of this reminds me of one of my favorite lines from Lee Trevino:

“In case of a thunderstorm, stand in the middle of the fairway and hold up a one iron. Not even God can hit a one iron.”


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1 thought on “Lightening Strike At Shell Houston Open”

  1. I was a spotter for the Golf Channel during the SHO.  I was in the concession stand (tent that you see in the picture) just behind the tree that was struck by lightning.  It was very amazing and scary.  Instantaneously with the lightning strike, bark and wood splinters were flying everywhere.  Good thing no one was standing outside the tent or a scary situation could have been deadly.  The storm rolled in quickly.  Although the PGA gets the golfers off the course in vans, on a sprawling course like Redstone, there’s no where for spectators to seek shelter.  People were jammed around the restrooms and in concession stands to escape the storm and the intense lightning.  This was a very dangerous situation.  There was no plan to get spectators or volunteers to safety quickly when a severe storm arrived.  They sent out open golf carts in the pouring rain and lightning to provide rides for those who wanted one – seemed like a bad idea to me.


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