PGA TOUR In Hostile Takeover Bid of European Tour?

Numerous news reports say that the PGA TOUR is working to take over the “rival” European Tour. From the Daily Mail:

The PGA Tour has made an audacious bid to take over the European Tour as concerns grow among the professionals over the lack of playing and financial opportunities on the circuit which is supposedly a rival to its US equivalent.

I wonder where the PGA TOUR would place its newly acquired European Tour on its hierarchy.  On a par with the PGA TOUR, with players having two tournament choices each week? Surely not. Just below the TOUR, but above Web.Com? That won’t make those sponsors happy.  Will wins on the European Tour gain entry to the PGA TOUR? Would wins on the Canadian Tour or Latino America elevate you to the European Tour, then to Web.Com, then to the PGA Tour? There are so many permutations I can’t figure it all out.

I actually hope that it is just an unfounded rumor.  I don’t know how a monopoly on professional golf could be good for the fans.

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1 thought on “PGA TOUR In Hostile Takeover Bid of European Tour?”

  1. There could be 2 conferences. Like the NFL with playoffs in each conference to determine the top players in each conference . The winners of each conference would play match play for 36 holes to determine the World Champion. Then take the top 10 in each conference and have a Ryder Cup event


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