Players Dropped By LIV

Players Dropped by LIV

With just 48 roster spots, it was inevitable that some players who signed up for LIV were going to be on the outside looking in. Indeed, since LIV’s business model is to sign “name” players away from other Tours (as opposed to developing its own fields) most players in the field are in danger of losing their spot as soon as a more prominent player is signed.

I hope for the sake of those who are not currently on teams that they are still being taken care of by LIV, for which they risked their golfing futures.

To see every current LIV golfer’s OWGR before signing with LIV, follow the link.

Below is a list of players who signed for one or more LIV events and their current status: In or Out. I say “signed for one or more” because a couple of the players maintain that they only ever intended to play one or two events. There is no way to test the veracity of that, so I take them at face value.

PlayerStatus on LIV
Ancer, AbrahamIn
Bekker, OliverOut
Bland, RichardIn
Burmeister, DeanIn
Canter, LaurieOut
Casey, PaulIn
Chacarra, EugenioIn
DeChambeau, BrysonIn
DuPlessis, HennieOut
Fisher, OliverOut
Garcia, SergioIn
Gooch, TalorIn
Grace, BrandenIn
Harding, JustinOut
Horsfield, SamIn
Howell, CharlesIn
Johnson, DustinIn
Jones, MattIn
Kaewkanjana, SadomOut
Kaymer, MartinIn
Khongwatmai, PhacharaOut
Kim, SihwanIn
Koepka, BrooksIn
Koepka, ChaseIn
Kokrak, JasonIn
Lahiri, AnirbanIn
Larrazabal, PabloOut
Lee, DannyIn
Leishman, MarcIn
Madappa, VirajOut
McDowell, GraemeIn
Mickelson, PhilIn
Morgan, JediahIn
Munoz, SebastianIn
Na, KevinIn
Niemann, JoaquinIn
Ogletree, AndyOut
Oosthuizen, LouisIn
Ormsby, WadeOut
Ortiz, CarlosIn
Otaegui, AdrianOut
Pereira, MitoIn
Perez, PatrickIn
Pettit, TurkOut
Pieters, ThomasIn
Piot, JamesIn
Poulter, IanIn
Puig, DavidIn
Reed, PatrickIn
Ritchie, JCOut
Schwartzel, CharlIn
Smith, CamIn
Smyth, TravisOut
Steele, BrendanIn
Stenson, HenrikIn
Synman, IanOut
Tringale, CameronIn
Uihlein, PeterIn
Varner, HaroldIn
Vincent, ScottIn
Watson, BubbaIn
Westwood, LeeIn
Wiesberger, BerndIn
Windred, BlakeOut
Wolff, MattIn

And below, a list of just the players who were seemingly dropped by LIV:

Bekker, Oliver
Canter, Laurie
DuPlessis, Hennie
Fisher, Oliver
Harding, Justin
Kaewkanjana, Sadom
Khongwatmai, Phachara
Larrazabal, Pablo
Madappa, Viraj
Ogletree, Andy
Ormsby, Wade
Otaegui, Adrian
Pettit, Turk
Ritchie, JC
Smyth, Travis
Synman, Ian
Windred, Blake

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