Raven Steals Golf Balls From Course

From CNN:

For the last few months, a large raven has been stalking Greencastle Golf Club in Donegal before swooping and flying off with people’s balls.
Several players have witnessed the burglar at work while others have struck what they thought was an accurate shot only to arrive on the green to find no sign of their ball.

Billy McCaul, the golf club’s office manager, says players are reporting stolen balls on a weekly basis.

“It started to happen about four months ago, when you had the odd comment about a ball being taken by a bird,” McCaul told CNN.

“Because we are a seaside course, birds have picked balls up in the air so we took it to be something like that, but then it became consistent and persistent.
“At first I took it as a bit of fun, as did most members, but it has got to the extent where it is having an effect on prizes and competitions and various other things.”

I’m going to start using Ravens as an excuse for any lost balls.

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