Silence At The Tee – Golf Poetry

Silence At The Tee - Golf poetry from Lyrics of the Links, published in 1921

No player, caddie or onlooker should move or talk
during a stroke. — Etiquette of Golf.

THIS the fateful moment,
Let all things quiet be;
For now the golfer's ready.
The ball is on the tee.

Don't move while he's addressing;
To whisper do not dare;
And when his club he's wagging
No sound must stir the air.

Should aught distract attention,
It might disturb his poise
And cause the man to foozle.
So do not make a noise.

Let not a sigh escape you,
Don't speak or laugh or sneeze;
Let all the birds cease singing,
And hush thou murmuring breeze!

The crickets must stop chirping.
And insects buzz no more;
The broad and restless ocean
Must quell its mighty roar.

The deep voice of the thunder
Shall not be heard aloud ;
There must not be a shadow
From fleeting summer cloud.

In fact, I think there's danger
Within a simple wink —
And in so great a crisis
Perhaps one should not think 1

O'er earth and all creation
Hang silence like a pall!
And let it not be lifted
Till the golfer hits the ball.

Frank J. Bonnelle in Lyrics of the Links, published in 1921

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