SweatZone Sweat Wipes Review
SweatZone Sweat Wipes
Grade: A+
Teacher’s Comments: They do the job. They should be in everyone’s golf go-bag or gym bag.
Manufacturer’s Site
On Amazon
So here’s a first-world problem. I get in my Subaru Forester and drive an hour or two to add a new golf course to my “collection.” I play, photograph and take notes for a golf course review, all while walking. Four hours of walking golf works up a lot of sweat, so when the round is over, I’m drenched and smelly. Changing to a fresh shirt solves the wet problem, but I’m still driving home smelly and feeling gross from being covered in sunscreen and bug spray.
As I said. First world problems.
Fortunately, I’ve found a first world solution. This past winter, Sweatzone sent a couple of packages of their multi-sport disposable body wipes. Although I play plenty of golf in Michigan in the winter, as you can imagine, sweat is not an issue: staying warm is.
So now that I’ve had a few weeks of sweaty, smelly, sunscreened golf under my belt, I’ve been able to properly test the sweat wipes.
They really do the job.
The Sweat Wipes are large (10″ x 12″) and relatively thick at 50 grams per square meter (GSM). They’re slightly damp and soft. A single one is all I need wipe off the grime, lotion, and all the sand and grass bits that have stuck to the lotion on my arms and legs.
Although the wipes have no scent and are alcohol free, they also do a pretty good job of killing odor. They are vitamin E enriched and contain aloe, so they’re easy on the skin.
I have sensitive skin, which is another reason why I want the sunblock and bug spray off as quicky as possible.
SweatZone’s Sweat Wipes are priced at around $6 for a dozen. Fifty cents each seems to me to be very reasonable.
The wipes come in a bag that has a resealable closure and that has seemed to work well enough to keep the wipes moist and fresh, even after sitting for a week in a hot car. However, I recently decided to double bag them in a ziplock.
This is the sort of thing that I think belongs in every golfer’s go-bag (you DO have a go bag, don’t you) or gym bag.
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