TLink Golf GPS Review

Tlink Golf GPS Review
TLink Golf GPS

TLink Golf GPS Review

TLink Golf GPS 
Grade C+: Functional, but requires a phone to work.

The TLink Golf GPS is a tiny and basic, yet functional unit. Usable as either a watch or on a belt clip, the 30 gram device reads GPS information on your phone and displays the information on its screen.

TLink offers distances to the front, middle and back of greens. It also acts as a pedometer, and keeps score. For an additional $30 yearly subscription, the device also will track your stats.

TLink Golf GPS ReviewWhile there are lots of golf GPS apps for your phone, all require players to keep pull their phones in and out of pockets to check distances. With the TLink, golfers leave the phone and just glance at the screen of the unit. That should both speed things up and keep golfers’ minds in the game. Whenever a phone comes out, the urge to check the messages is just irresistible. They the urge to reply will be irresistible. Neither is good for concentration.

TLink Golf GPS ReviewIn the two January rounds I played here in Michigan, I found that the TLink GPS and its accompanying phone app worked very well. Distances matched what I got on my Garmin G8, and were similarly in line with readings from my GolfBuddy Laser. In spite of its small size, it was easy to read.

I have a couple of reservations with the unit. First, the price. At $94, it is only slightly less expensive than the Garmin Approach G10 ($130), which has a built-in GPS (so no need to run down your phone battery), and free stat tracking. Thus, in the first year, a TLink with stat tracking is the same price as the Garmin. The second year, the Garmin is cheaper.

My other reservation is with the lack of built-in GPS. I like to keep my phone turned off on the course, so that I’ve got plenty of battery left when I hit the 19th hole.

On the other hand, the TLink is very small, and unobtrusive. I had it clipped to my waist and did not notice it at all. But I lost it for several days in my car after the first round (that says something about both the tiny size of the unit, and of the chaotic nature of my car.)

Ultimately, this is sort of a mixed bag.

The TLink Golf GPS Review was first published Feb. 1, 2017.





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