What Should Tiger Say? Open Thread

What should Tiger say at his press conference Friday? Here’s where to put in your two cents.

I’ll start. I think he should announce that he’s cancelling his entire season. That’ll put him back in charge of the situation. And by then, the story will have died out and the media will be focused on something else—the results of the 2010 midterms, the second half of a double dip recession, another celeb scandal, etc. He’ll be able to return then, legitimately saying that he’s an entirely new man.

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3 thoughts on “What Should Tiger Say? Open Thread”

  1. After months of anticipation, it is now less than 24 hours before Tiger Woods’ first public appearance since his infamous Nov. 27 crash.  As Woods puts the finishing touches on what will likely be the most scrutinized remarks of his 34 years, a public relations executive drafts the speech that could save Woods’ reputation, his family and his golf game. 

    “I’m here to say I’m sorry.  I have been blessed beyond measure but have made a mess of my life, squandering the trust and support so many have placed in me throughout my young career.  I blame myself for my troubles and now want to apologize to a number of people, starting with my wife.  Elin, I’m sorry for embarrassing and hurting and betraying you and our precious little girl and boy.  You deserve so much better.”


  2. I think that Tiger should apologize to his wife, his mother, and his children.  He should say that he is sorry that his behavior has hurt so many and for those fans who feel hurt by this, he is sorry for that.  He should also say that he does believe that while it is primarily parents who should set examples for their children, he realizes that some may see him as a role model, and that he has failed in that respect.  Honor and integrity extend beyond just how you play the game, and he has failed.

    He should then say that he has struggles and those, while personal, are something he will have to work with while being a public figure.  He has his career and that with consutation with Elin, and her alone, he has decided to start to play a limited schedule starting on XXXX.

    He should lastly say that he realizes that the entire nature of this statement is a strange thing and that people are frustrated by not being able to ask questions.  He should then say that he will address the press at such and such a date, but that he will in no way entertain questions about his personal life, his family, or how those are affecting his golf game at press conferences at golf tournaments.

  3. With already backlash building about tomorrow’s event, things are now looking doubly bad.  There are new photos of Tiger practicing, which were supposedly candid.  But now TMZ is showing Tiger chatting it up with the photographer which was arranged. 

    My guess is that these photos mean he is coming back for the Masters, and at some event prior.

    What’s funny about this is that Tiger will probably only play the majors and perhaps a few more.  Yet the PGA is rolling over and allowing this event tomorrow, which will upstage the PGA event, tick off those golfers – all for a guy who might play in fewer PGA events than fingers on one hand (since all the majors are non-tour events).

    Blogger- you should open a Tiger Pool thread where we can put in our guesses what events he will play – mine are:
    The 4 majors, the Arnold Palmer, The Players, Memorial, WGC-Bridgestone—then the Cup events.


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