PGA Merchandise Show Expands Focus

For years, the PGA Merchandise show has been a candy store for golfers (not that I would know … ordinary golfers don’t get invited.).

But now the toy show has added a slew of new programs, including programs to “help attendees grow their business, advance their careers and drive new participation in the game.” For example, there’s a “Teach The Teacher” program to help PGA professionals learn new techniques. And at the “Learning Labs”, PGA professionals will learn advanced merchandising techniques.

They’ve got to do something. I’ve read article after article recently talking about slumping interest in the game. And that will lead to slumping sales.

I have one idea. They could fly the GolfBlogger down to the event, and I could blog live from the show. I’ll try out the new stuff, and then post my opinions within a few hours.

Hey. I can dream, can’t I?

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1 thought on “PGA Merchandise Show Expands Focus”

  1. Dear Golf Blogger,

    Just wanted to comment on your idea on attending the PGA Merchandise Show and testing out the equipment.

    I attended the Show as a first time exhibitor and a life long “ordinary” golfer. I had never considered going to the Show until I developed a golf product and I wanted to get the opinions of the “Professional Golf Industry”.  I was very pleased with the results but what I really want to comment on is how incredibly large the Convention Center is and how many exhibitors are there.

    There was over 1,100 different exhibitors and every kind of golf related thing you could imagine.

    You could spend the whole 4 days of the show visiting each booth and checking out the latest and greatest and probably not see everything.  I think you would be so busy trying out the stuff, you would never get to post your blogs.

    My only regret in attending was that I had to man my booth and had very little opportunity to act like a kid in this huge candy store.

    Good luck in your efforts to attend the show.  Perhaps you could get a Press Pass to enter.


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