Odds To Win The President’s Cup 2011

Here’s a compilation of the odds to win the 2011 President’s Cup, gleaned from several online betting sites:

US: 1.8
International: 1.91

US: -130
International: +100

U: -106
International: -110

imageBodog uses the decimal line, which shows the full payout on a dollar bet. These odds shows virtually no difference, with a 1 bet paying 1.8 for the US and 1.91 for the International team. That’s a very slight nod to the Internationals.

BetUS and BetOnline use the US odds format, where +100 is an even bet. The numbers indicate the amount won on $100 when positive, and the amount you need bet to win $100 when negative. BetUS has the Internationals as an even bet, with a slight edge to the US team. BetOnline bettors have established an even more interesting line, where neither team is an even bet.

The goal of a bookmaker is to establish a line that ensures equal amounts of money are coming in on both sides of the bet. With the vig, that ensures they make money no matter who wins. But the line reveals what the bettors are thinking. Right now, it looks like the prevailing wisdom is that it’s anyone’s game.

From these odds, it looks like bettors think that the teams are pretty evenly matched.


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