TGA Premier Sports Offers At Home Golf Activities For Kids

TGA Premier Sports Offers At Home Golf Activities For Kids

Golfers with kids at home might want to take a look at the online golf (and tennis!) activities designed by TGA Premier Sports.

While TGA has built its brand around school-based sports programs, the company now offers at-home, online content. TGA plans to share this new online content over the next six weeks with families and students nationwide.

The first golf lesson from TGA Premier Sports has five activities that center around Putting and STEAM Activities. Activity one has a video demonstrating putting techniques. Activity 2 is a putting game called “Unlock The Levels.” Activity 3 has a map of a hole and a word list for naming the parts of the course. Activity 4 has suggested STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) activities. Finally, there’s a golf related Sudoku worksheet.

The second lesson, structured in the same way, focuses on chipping. Lesson three involved half swing activities.

The TGA Premier Sports activities might be a good way for golfing families to get some at home enrichment in, while sharing the game they love.

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