Resolve To Walk More

New Year’s Resolution #1: Resolve To Walk More. Golf is meant to be a walking … Read more.

Elin Woods Is Pregnant

On his 31st Birthday, Tiger Woods has announced that wife Elin is pregnant. Congratulations! Now … Read more.

Japanese Golfer Gets Death Penalty

A Japanese professional golfer recently received the death penalty for cheating on a scorecard. Not … Read more.

Free Golf Auctions Dot Com

I just ran across a site called Free Golf Auctions that aspires, I think, to … Read more.

Toad Leather Golf Hat Band

Toad Leather Golf Hat Band Ridiculous Golf Item of the Week

Duval Uses One Time Exemption

I don’t know why I find the Golfer Formerly Known As David Duval so fascinating. … Read more.

Gerald Ford Was A Golf Lover

Not as prominent among presidential golfers as Eisenhower, Gerald Ford nonetheless was a great supporter … Read more.

What Golf Stuff Did You Get For Christmas?

So what golf stuff did you get for Christmas? Under my tree were a couple … Read more.